Emulex EMULEX manual Removing the Utilities Using the emlxuremove Script

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12.Examine the output for any errors or warnings. If the installation is successful, the following message is displayed near the end of the process:

Installation of <EMLXemlxu> was successful.

13.The script performs some cleanup and displays the following messages:

<Cleaning directory> <emlxu_install complete>

<Execute "emlxu_remove" when ready to uninstall>

14.The script leaves a copy of the emlxu_remove script in your working directory with the original utilities kit tar file. You can remove this script, or leave it in the directory if you may want to uninstall the emlxu utilities from your system in the future. See Removing the Utilities Using the emlxu_remove Script on page 4 for more details.

The emlxu utilities installation is complete. The utility package's programs are located in the /opt/EMLXemlxu/bin directory.

You do not have to reboot your system to begin running a utility program. However, to run a program you must either enter the progam's full path name, or add the package's bin directory (/opt/EMLXemlxu/bin) to your envirionment's search path. To use the man pages provided by the package, you must also add the package's man directory (opt/EMLXemlxu/man) to your environment's man path.

For further information on installing and removing packages, consult the Solaris system administration documentation and the pkgadd(1M) and pkgrm(1M) manual pages.

Removing the Utilities Using the emlxu_remove Script

You can uninstall the utilities kit using the emlxu_remove script. If you do not have the emlxu_remove script and you do not have the original emlxu utilities kit tar file, you must uninstall the emlxu package manually; follow the instructions in Removing the Utilities Package Manually on page 5. If you are updating the emlxu utilities to a newer version and you have the new utilities kit tar file, you do not have to use the emlxu_remove script; the emlxu_install script removes any old version as it installs the newer version; see Installing or Updating the Utilities Using the emlxu_install Script on page 3 for more details.

If you do not want to update the utilities package, and only want to uninstall it, use the emlxu_remove script by doing the following (all emlxu files are removed):

1.Log in as root, or su to root.

2.Go to the directory where the emlxu_remove script is located, or to the directory where the original utilities kit tar file is located, by typing

cd <directory>

3.If you have the emlxu_remove script, skip to step 4. If you do not have the emlxu_remove script but you do have the original emlxu utilities kit tar file, extract the emlxu_remove script from the tar file by typing

tar xf emlxu_kit-1.00x-sparc.tar emlxu_remove

4.Remove the emlxu utilities package by typing emlxu_remove

5.The script locates the EMLXemlxu utilities package, and the following message is displayed:

<Removing EMLXemlxu package>

If no package is installed, a message indicates this; skip to step 7. Otherwise, you are prompted to remove the package with the following message:

Do you want to remove this package? [y,n,?,q]

6.Enter y. The following message is displayed:

Removal of <EMLXemlxu> was successful.

7.The script performs some cleanup and displays the following message:

FCA Utilities Reference Manual

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Contents FCA Utilities FCA Utilities Reference Manual Introduction Using the emlxdrv Utility HbaFibre Channel Overview Solaris Fibre Channel StackSolaris Software Stack Installing the Utilities Enter y. The following message is displayedRemoving the Utilities Using the emlxuremove Script To remove the emlxu utilities package, do the following Installing the Utilities Package ManuallyRemoving the Utilities Package Manually Update the emlxu utilities by doing the following Updating the Utilities Package ManuallyInteractive Mode emlxadm Modes of Operation emlxadmCommand Descriptions emlxadm CLI Mode emlxadmGetlogiparams wwpn GetnumdevsGetdevlist FCA Utilities Reference Manual Gethostparams GetsympnameSetsympname string GetsymnnameDevlogin wwpn DevlogoutGetstate wwpn Devremove wwpnGetbootrev Downloadfcode filenameGetfwrev Downloadfw filenameDownloadboot filename Downloads the specified boot image file to the HBA ExampleGetdumpsize ForcedumpResetlink wwpn or zero for local link ResethardResethardcore GettopologyType PID Returns the total number of configurable parameters Example Returns a list of configurable parameters ExampleParmgetnum ParmgetlistFCA Utilities Reference Manual Parmget label Gets the value of a specified parameter in the driverExample This example attempts to set a static parameter Parmset label valueMsgbuf all or number -i interval Displays all of the current host HBA API attributes Example GethostattrsGetportattrs index, wwn or all Seagate ST39103FC = Seagate ST39103FC Exits the utility program Example Displays a help menu of utility commands ExampleGetpath index Repeats the last command Example HbaEmlxdrv utility program can be run in two modes Interactive Interactive Mode emlxdrvModes of Operation emlxdrv CLI Mode emlxdrv Command Descriptions emlxdrv Setemlxs aliasSetemlxssun SetemlxsallCleardev alias Setlpfc aliasSetlpfcnonsun Clearlpfc ClearemlxsClearsun ClearnonsunClearall Emlxdrv q Exiting