C o n f i g u r a t i o n V i e w s
This view (Figure 15) provides status and configuration information about the device as a whole as well as on a
Contact Status
Indicates whether a connection has been established with the module.
Accesses the Community Name view. For information on using the Community Name view, refer to SPECTRUM Portable Management
Application Tools Guide.
Download Application
Accesses the TFTP DownLoad dialog box, which lets you upgrade firmware for the module from the TFTP Boot or Bootp Server. For more information, refer to SPECTRUM Portable Management Application Tools Guide.
D e v i c e C o n f i g u r a t i o n V i e w
Trap |
Table |
Opens a dialog box that lets you set up your workstation to be notified of traps received and sent by a module.
Interface Configuration Table
This section of the Device Configuration views provides the following information:
Number of Interfaces
The number of interfaces available from the module.
The numerical value identifying the port.
The type of hardware interface for the port.
Phy Address
The MAC address of the port.
Max Frame Size
The maximum frame size for the module.
Oper Status
The current operational state of the port (Up, Down, or Testing).
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