On-Chip USB
V1.1+V2.0 | Enable USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 controllers. (Default Value) |
V1.1 | Enable only USB 1.1 controller |
Disabled | Disable onchip USB support. |
USB Memory Type
SHADOW | Set USB Memory Type to SHADOW. (Default value) |
Base Memory (640K) Set USB Memory Type to Base Memory (640K). |
USB Keyboard Support
Enabled | Enable USB keyboard support. |
Disabled | Disable USB keyboard support. (Default value) |
USB Mouse Support
Enabled | Enable USB mouse support. |
Disabled | Disable USB mouse support. (Default value) |
AC97 Audio
Auto | Enable onboard AC'97 audio function. (Default value) |
Disabled | Disable this function. |
Onboard 1394
Enabled | Enable onboard IEEE1394 function.(Default value) |
Disabled | Disable onboard IEEE1394 function. |
Onboard LAN control (LAN1)
Enabled | Enable onboard LAN chip function.(Default value) |
Disabled | Disable onboard LAN chip function. |
Onboard LAN Boot ROM
This function decide whether to invoke the boot ROM of the onboard LAN chip.
Enabled | Enable this function. |
Disabled | Disable this function. (Default value) |
SATA RAID-5 Function (Controlled by Sil3114 chip)
This option is to enable or disable the Serial ATA function of the Sil3114 controller. To set either RAID or
Enabled | Enable onboard Serial ATA Chip.(Default value) |
Disabled | Disable onboard Serial ATA Chip. |
Onboard Serial Port 1
Auto | BIOS will automatically setup the port 1 address. |
3F8/IRQ4 | Enable onboard Serial port 1 and address is 3F8/IRQ4. (Default value) |
2F8/IRQ3 | Enable onboard Serial port 1 and address is 2F8/IRQ3. |
3E8/IRQ4 | Enable onboard Serial port 1 and address is 3E8/IRQ4. |
2E8/IRQ3 | Enable onboard Serial port 1 and address is 2E8/IRQ3. |
Disabled | Disable onboard Serial port 1. |
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