4 The BridgeTools graphical interface is ready
Once you have connected your computer to the FibreBridge, installed BridgeTools and started the program, the graphical interface is available to configure and monitor your FibreBridge.
CAUTION To take effect, changes made with BridgeTools must be saved to the FibreBridge and the bridge must either be power cycled or a Restart Firmware command must be issued which will disrupt other FibreBridge activity. Do not run BridgeTools when the FibreBridge is executing applications.
Once the computer is connected to the FibreBridge, apply power to the bridge, power up your computer and launch BridgeTools. The startup splash screen will appear, followed by the Welcome Page.which displays the version of BridgeTools installed. Check the ATTO Technology, Inc. web site, www.attotech.com, to verify you are using the latest version.
The Graphical Interface
ATTO BridgeTools uses a graphical user interface based on various common components. At the startup, a
Fibre Channel link) for updating and/or configuring your FibreBridge. You will then be guided through all the available flash and configuration options.
A tabbed panel interface presents configuration parameters in a simple,
Other common graphical constructs include drop down list boxes to present choices and radio boxes for mutually exclusive choices. Some parameters will be “grayed out” if either they do not apply to your model of the FibreBridge or if they have no effect based upon the selected value of a related parameter.
7 ATTO Technology BridgeTools Installation and Operation Manual