6.2 Measure Speed
Measure the read and write speeds of the Flash drive.
1.Plug the Flash drive into one of the slots and select function “6.2 Measure Speed”, then press OK.
2.Use the up and down arrows to see the Flash drive’s exact read and write speeds for each port.
NOTE: This function may result in data loss and format the Flash drive. Only the destination ports can be measured.
6.3 Media Check
Analyze the Flash drive’s quality. There are two types of methods to check the drive, ‘H3 Safe’ and ‘H5 R/W’. Before starting a quality check, you can change the range and error limit using functions ‘6.3.3 Setup Range’ and ‘6.3.4 Set Error Limit’ respectively.
6.3.1 H3 Safe 100%
Check the Flash drive’s quality by reading the drive. After the process has completed, the LCD display will show the volume of bad sectors detected, and the read speed of the drive.
6.3.2 H5 R/W 100%
Check the Flash drive’s quality by reading and writing to the drive. Once completed, the LCD display will show the volume of bad sectors detected, and the read/write speed of the drive.
NOTE: This function will delete the content and format of the Flash drive. To protect the data on the source drive, only the destination ports can be checked.
6.3.3 Setup Range
Set the % of the Flash drive that you would like to check for quality. Use the up and down arrows to set the percentage.
Instruction Manual