The output power can be disabled in an emergency by closing a switch connected to the EPO.
Adhere to National and local electrical codes when wiring the EPO.
EPO switch
The EPO switch is internally powered by the UPS for use with
The EPO circuit is considered a Class 2 circuit, (UL, CSA standards) and a SELV circuit (IEC standard).
Both Class 2 and SELV circuits must be isolated from all primary circuitry. Do not connect any circuit to the EPO terminal block unless it can be confirmed that the circuit is Class 2 or SELV.
If circuit standard cannot be confirmed, use a contact closure switch.
Use one of the following cable types to connect the UPS to the EPO switch:
•CL2: Class 2 cable for general use
•CL2P: Plenum cable for use in ducts, plenums, and other spaces used for environmental air.
•CL2R: Riser cable for use in a vertical run in a floor to floor shaft.
•CLEX: Limited use cable for use in dwellings and for use in raceways.
•For installation in Canada: Use only CSA certified, type ELC