The chapters are organized to reflect
Appendices provide additional information that, while not essential to a normal installation, may prove useful in special circumstances. These list the private network addresses used when installing the VTL Value appliance, provide instructions for serially connecting to the VTL Value Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) service processor, and summarize commands that can be entered at the ILOM commandline interface (CLI).
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Understanding the conventions used in this book
The table below illustrates the conventions that represent literal and variable values, commands, and property names in this book.
Convention | Meaning | Examples |
AaBbCc123 Oblique text is used for variables that stand for real names or values and for book titles.
ABCD Bold,
1.Numbered paragraphs indicate steps in a process that should be executed in sequential order.
■Bulleted paragraphs indicate lists of alternatives or components.
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x VTL Value Hardware Installation Guide • Aug 2007