NTP | Network Time Protocol. |
OpenLane DCE | A proprietary network management program used with HP OpenView that helps a network |
Manager | administrator manage SNMP devices. |
packet | A group of control and data characters that are switched as a unit within a communications |
| network. |
PDU | Protocol Data Unit. A message containing |
PING | Packet InterNet Groper. Used for testing and debugging networks, PING sends an echo |
| packet to the specified host, waits for a response, then reports the results of its operation. |
| Used as a verb, to PING means to use the program to verify the accessibility of a device. |
| The PING program is supported from both the DSL and MCC cards. |
POTS | Plain Old Telephone Service. Standard telephone service over the PSTN with an analog |
| bandwidth of less than 4 Hz. |
POTS Splitter | A device that filters out the DSL signal and allows the POTS frequencies to pass through. |
PPP | |
proxy ARP | Proxy Address Resolution Protocol (ARP). A technique for using a single IP address for |
| multiple networks. A device responds to ARP requests with its own physical address, then |
| routes packets to the proper recipients. |
PSTN | Public Switched Telephone Network. A network shared among many users who can use |
| telephones to establish connections between two points. Also know as dial network. |
RADSL | Rate Adaptive Digital Subscriber Line. A technique for the use of an existing |
| line that permits simultaneous POTS and |
| symmetric and asymmetric rates. |
rate adaption | The ability to automatically adapt when the port speed is lower than the line speed. |
Router | A device that connects LANs by dynamically routing data according to destination and |
| available routes. |
Routing Table | A table used by a node to route traffic to another node in the multiplexer network. |
RTT | Round Trip Time. |
RTU | Remote Termination Unit. A DSL device installed at the customer premises. |
s1c | Interface name of a DSL card's DSL port #1. |
s1d | Interface name of a DSL card's DSL port #2. |
s1e | Interface name of a DSL card's DSL port #3. |
s1f | Interface name of a DSL card's DSL port #4. |
Service Node | SN. Endpoint modem at the customer premise, also known as a Remote Termination Unit |
| (RTU). There are two model types. See RADSL and MVL. |
SNMP | Simple Network Management Protocol. Protocol for open networking management. |
SNMP agent | An application level program that facilitates communication between an SNMP |
| management system and a device. See NMS. |
SNMP trap | A message sent to an SNMP manager to notify it of an event, such as a device being |
| reset. |
| January 1999 |