Model 3202 Getting Started Guide | 4 • Web configuration |
Port Based Priority
Click on QoS under Advanced on the main menu to reach the QoS advanced configuration page. Then, select the radio button for Port Based Priority to display the configuration options.
Figure 23. QoS - Port Based Priority page
In the Port Based Priority table, select the ports that the
In the Scheduling Configuration section, you can set up the Queue type from type 0 to type 3. Each Queue type can setu p the queue Weight from 1 to 15.
The Queuing method is used to configure queuing algorithms for outgoing traffic. Queuing algorithms allows the Model 3202 to maintain separate queues for packets from each individual source or flow and prevent a source from monopolizing the bandwidth.
The Queue types are Weight Round Robin (WRR), Best Effort (BE), and Strictly Priority (SP).
•WRR services on a rotating basis and is activated only when a port has more traffic than it can handle. A queue is a given an amount of bandwidth irrespective of the incoming traffic on that port. The queue then moves to the back of the list. The next queue is given an equal amount of bandwidth, and then moves to the end of the list, and so on, depending on the number of queues being used, This works in a looping fashion until a queue is empty.
•BE is used for data applications or any
•SP services queues based on priority only. As traffic comes into the Model 3202, traffic on the highest prior- ity queue, Q3 is transmitted first. When that queue empties, traffic on the next
Advanced Configuration Options | 49 |