Model 3202 Getting Started Guide5 • Console and Telnet configuration
DNS Proxy
The dns_proxy command allows you to set up three DNS servers for the Model 3202. Move the cursor “ >>” to dns_proxy in the setup menu and press Enter.
Command: setup dns_proxy <IP> [IP] [IP]
Message: Please input the following information.
DNS server 1 (ENTER for default) <>:
DNS server 2:
DNS server 3:
Host Name
A Host Name is a unique name that attaches a host to a network. The hostname is used to identify a particular host in various forms of electronic communication. Some ISP providers require the Host Name as identifica- tion. You may check with your ISP to see if your Internet service has been configured with a host name. In most cases, you can ignore this field.
Move the cursor “ >>” to hostname in the setup menu and press Enter. The host name cannot use spaces and cannot have more than 15 characters.
Command: setup hostname <name>
Message: Please input the following information.
Local hostname (ENTER for default) <SOHO>: test
Factory Default
If you want to restore factory default settings for the Model 3202, move the cursor “ >>” to default in the setup menu and press Enter.
Command: setup default <name>
Message: Please input the following information.
Are you sure? (Y/N): y
Setup Command Menu | 85 |