dClocking: Network (default)
Options: Network, Internal, External
Network: This is the most commonly used setting when connect- ing to a carrier’s network. In this mode, the unit recovers the clock from the received signal and uses it to transmit data. In this way the unit remains synchronized to a master clock. In campus applications, one of the units must be set to Internal clock, and the other end is set to Network clock. At all times, there must be only one clock source. Otherwise, clock slips and framing errors and bit errors may occur.
Internal: This is commonly used in campus applications, where the unit is not connected to the public telephone network directly. In this mode, the unit uses the
External: This is a special mode that can only be used with the Unframed format. In this mode, the unit requires a 2.048 Mhz clock signal from the DTE via the external clock pin on the DTE interface connector. Most applications will use Network or Internal clock modes.
fCRC-4 Setting: Disabled (default)
Options: Enabled, Disabled
gCAS MF Setting: Disabled (default)
Options: Enabled, Disabled
CAS MF: CAS multiframe uses Timeslot 16 (TS16) to send multi- frame (MF) alignment data. In CAS MF, a MF is defined as 16 frames, where a frame consists of 32 64kb/s timeslots, num- bered 0 to 31. TS16 of the first frame in the MF contains the CAS MF alignment word in the upper four bits. The alignment word is always 0000 (binary). The 2715 does not perform any signaling in TS16 other than to insert the MF alignment word, in order to maintain MF alignment. When CAS MF disabled, the unit transmits user data in TS16; therefore, up to 31 chan- nels are available for user data. When it is enabled, TS16 is not available to the user. In this case, the user can use up to 30 channels for data. CAS MF can be used with
iV.54 Loops: Enabled (default)
Options: Enabled, Disabled
This is a special
jDefault Config Source: Switch (default)
Options: EEPROM, Switch
The Model 2715 can be initialized via the configuration in the
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