11.CLU - (Current Line Utilization) - percentage of current bandwidth used on this channel.
12.ALU - (Average Line Utilization) - average CLU for this channel.
13.Up Time - time this channel has been connected to the current Remote Node.
14.Ethernet - shows the current status of the LAN connection on your Prestige.
15.Status - shows the current status of the LAN which may be 10M/Half Duplex, 10M/Full Duplex, 100M/Half Duplex, or 100M/Full Duplex. Left hand side of the “/” is the speed of the Ethernet, and the right hand side is the mode of the Ethernet.
16.TX Pkt - the number of transmitted packets to LAN.
17.RX Pkt - the number of received packets from LAN.
18.Collision - number of collisions.
19.Name - displays the system name of your Prestige. This information can be modified in Menu 1 - General Setup.
20.RAS S/W Version - refers to the version of the current RAS software.
21.IDSL F/W Version - refers to the version of the current ISDN firmware.
22.Ethernet Address - refers to the Ethernet MAC address assigned to your Prestige.
Terminal Baud Rate
Users can set up different baud rates for the