10 VP-725NA Communication Protocol
Communication Confirmation:
Send: CR
Reply: CR>
Set and Get command:
Set Command: YControl_TypeFunctionParamCR
Reply: ZControl_TypeFunctionParamCR>
Get Command: YControl_TypeFunctionCR
Reply: ZControl_TypeFunctionParamCR>
Example 1 (select VGA1 as video input channel):
"Y01570CR" "Z01570CR>"
Example 2 (get selected current input channel):
"Y 1157CR"
"Z 11570CR>" (0 = VGA 1) Definition:
: ASCII Code 0x20
CR: ASCII Code 0x0D
After a set type Command setting, system responds with a string “Done”. The default data rate is 9600 Baud, with no parity, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit.
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