Rear Panel
A channel’s DDT LED will light at the onset of clipping. If the LED’s are flashing quickly and intermittently, the channel is just at the clip threshold, while a steady, bright glow means the amp is clip limiting, or reducing gain to prevent severely clipped waveforms reaching the loudspeakers. See the Distortion Detection section for more information. During initial power up the DDT LED will light indicating that the RampUp gain reduction circuitry is activated. This will prevent sudden signal bursts when the speaker relays are closed.
The ACTIVE LED indicates that its channel’s output relay is closed and the channel is operational. It lights under normal operation and remains on even when the channel is in Distortion Detection (DDT) gain reduction. These are protection features which leave the output relay closed. If the ACTIVE LED goes off, there is no signal at the output connectors.
8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 13 | 14 |
| 12 |
MODE Select Switch (8)
The rear panel MODE Select Switch determines whether the amplifier is in stereo, parallel, or bridged mono mode. Do not operate the Mode Select Switch with the amplifier powered on. See the sections on Stereo and Bridged Mono Mode for more information.
The rear panel AMP FUNCTION Select Switch determines whether the associated channel is connected for full range operation or to the crossover high frequency or low frequency outputs.
CROSSOVER Adjustment Knob (10)
The CS 2000H is equipped with two independent‚
LOW CUT Adjustment Knob (11)
The CS 2000H is equipped with two independent low frequency filters. These filters are adjustable from 20 Hz to 100 Hz and are designed to reduce frequencies below those capable of being produced by the loudspeakers, or to reduce room “rumble.” Frequencies below the knob setting of the corresponding channel will be attenuated.