10/100/1000 Gigabit Network Adapter
From the Diagnostics screen, you can test the Adapter’s functionality. Simply check the function to be tested in the checkbox beside the name and click the Start button to start the test. Then, click the Stop button to stop the test. Check the Repeat box for repeated testing. The pass rate will appear under Pass/Fail on the right.
Register This tests the Registers of the MAC for such things as reading and writing to the MAC chip and getting its feedback value and time.
EEPROM This reads and writes a value to the EEPROM, testing that the return value is not the same as the writing value.
Loopback This tests the Adapter’s response to the
By clicking the + symbol to the left of Diagnostics in the menu, you can open the Send and Receive screen. The Send and Receive test can only be run by two PCs, each equipped with a 10/100/1000 Gigabit Network Adapter and each running the Utility. Select which is the Initiator and which is the Responder. Then, click the Start button to start the test. Click the Stop button to stop the test when you are finished.
The Statistics screen displays the quality of your network connection in real time through the following values:
Throughput This displays the Adapter’s throughput speed, both sent and received as well as the total throughput.
Packets This displays how many packets are being sent and received via the Adapter.
Errors This displays how many errors are occurring, both sent and received, with the Adapter.
Chapter 9: Using the EG1032 Instant Gigabit Network Adapter Diagnostic Utility
Figure 9-14: The Utility’s Diagnostics screen
Figure 9-15: The Utility’s Diagnostics -
Send and Receive test - screen
Figure 9-16: The Utility’s Statistics screen
Using the Diagnostic Utility