SuperSign Contents
Plays stored files using the Export option in SuperSign Editor.
To play back the stored files using the Export option
Remote Control (HOME)
Only contents distributed by SuperSign Manager are displayed and selectable.
File Manager
You can move, copy, or delete files.
To move, copy, or delete files
Remote Control (HOME)
••You can move or copy files or folders from internal to external memory.
••You can move or copy files or folders from external to internal memory.
••You can delete files or folders from internal or external memory.
••If there is an AutoPlay folder in the USB storage device and its files are in supported formats, they will be played back automatically when the USB storage device is connected to the monitor.
••This app is for managing files and therefore cannot play media files. To play media files, launch My Media.
••You cannot copy or move a file to the internal storage if the file size is larger than the available free space of the internal storage.
To check the basic information of Signage Monitor
Remote Control (HOME)
You can see the basic information on Signage Monitor.
You can also switch to Smart Energy Saving Mode or configure Fail Over settings. (You can switch to Smart Energy Saving Mode only when Energy Saving Mode is set to Off.)