| Message | ⬤ Appears in this situation |
| ⬛ How to clear indication | |
| |
| CLOSE DOOR | ⬤ When the lid is not securely closed. |
| ⬛ Press PUSH to close the lid (☞ pg. 10). |
| PAPER JAM | ⬤ When a print sheet or the ink sheet is caught inside |
| POWER OFF/REMOVE PAPER | the printer. |
| ⬛ Open the lid, remove the ink sheet cartridge, then |
| remove the problem sheet (☞ pg. 10). |
| LOAD INK SHEET | ⬤ There is no ink sheet cartridge installed, or the one |
| installed is used up. |
| ⬛ Install an ink sheet cartridge (☞ pg. 10). |
| REMOVE PAPER | ⬤ When you turn on the power and there is a print |
| sheet inside the printer. |
| ⬛ Open the lid and remove the print sheet (☞ pg. 10). |
| HIGH TEMPERATURE | ⬤ When the printer’s temperature gets too high and |
| WAIT A WHILE | printing becomes impossible. |
| ⬛ Turn off the power, wait a few minutes and then turn |
| it on again. |
| Confirm that the error message has disappeared |
| before trying to use the printer. |
| MEMORY FULL | ⬤ When you press MEMORY after having stored the |
| selected number of snapshots, or when you have |
| stored 8 |
| ⬛ Start printing, or access the Mode Select Menu |
| screen (☞ pg. 27). |
| STOP PLAYBACK MACHINE | ⬤ When you have stored the selected number of |
| snapshots. |
| ⬛ Start printing, or access the Mode Select Menu |
| screen (☞ pg. 28). |
| NO SIGNAL | ⬤ When you press MEMORY without having |
| connected an image source. |
| ⬛ Make sure the image source is properly connected, |
| then engage its Play mode [or Record mode if using |
| a camcorder]. |
| NOW PRINTING | ⬤ When printing is being performed. |
| ⬛ Disappears when printing is finished. |
| NO IMAGE IN MEMORY | ⬤ When you try to print without having stored a |
| scene. |
| ⬛ Remove the print sheet, then store a scene using any |
| of the described methods. |