Chapter 3: Advanced Configuration
802.11b/g Access Control Web Page
The access control feature enables you to restrict wireless access to specific computers. Use this feature to prevent outsider wireless PCs from connecting to your private network.
Your Gateway identifies wireless PCs by their WiFi MAC Address. This address consists of a string of 6 pairs of numbers 0 – 9 and letters A - F, such as 00 90 4B F0 FF 50. It is usually printed on the WiFi card of the device (e.g. the PCMCIA card in a laptop). It can also be determined from a Windows DOS prompt as explained below.
The Connected Clients list on the Access Control Web Page always shows PCs that currently have wireless connections to your Gateway.
Your Gateway default access control configuration (MAC Restrict Mode Disabled) allows access within reception range by any computer that has your same privacy (key) settings.
To restrict access to only specific computers:
1.Set MAC Restrict Mode to Allow.
2.Enter the WiFi MAC addresses of the PCs you want to have access.
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