Side Bar Level
Some displays, especially
Some types of projectors are not susceptible to burns, like DLP™ projectors. Since a DLP™ projector uses tiny mirrors to create the image, burning the image is not a concern as the reflectivity of the mirrors does not decay like the phosphor in a CRT or Plasma.
Besides still images, using a 4:3 image on a widescreen display could cause a '4:3 burn' (see below):
‘4:3 burn’
Widescreen display
The example above shows what would happen on a widescreen display if a small 4:3 image were used more often than widescreen images. This happens most frequently with CRT projectors or RPTV's, or Plasma displays.
To minimize this problem, the
SIDE BAR LEVEL is the amount of illumination in the side bars. The goal is not to make them so bright that they are much brighter than the 4:3 image itself (which could cause a reverse 4:3 burn), but not too dim where they cannot be effective. While there is not a recommended level, Runco recommends keep- ing the side bar level at a moderate level, approximately the same as the average light used on the 4:3 portion of the image.
NOTE: SIDE BAR LEVEL is only active on 16:9 screens. For 4:3 screens, side bar level is not active.
IMPORTANT: Runco is not responsible for image burns on any display. Please exercise caution when using a 4:3 image on a 16:9 screen with Plasmas and