Updating The
Updating The ALD-H48 Firmware
In the event you need to update the firmware on the
Via 232
1.Connect at 115200/8/n/1/Hardware
2.At the "L232>" prompt
Send the "UPDATEINOS" command.
3.At the "OSM>" prompt
a.Send the "OSLOAD" command.
b.Transfer the "osif3.asc.bin" file via
4.After receiving "**********"
Transfer the "hw_oper3.hwi.bin" file via
5.At the OSM prompt
Send the "OSPGM" command
6.Processor will then reboot and you will see modem init string "AT&F1E0F1Q1S0=1M0&C0&D0"
Via Ethernet:
1.Connect via telnet
2.At the "LNET>" prompt
Send the "UPDATEINOS" command.
3.Open FTP connection (username: "lutron" password: "amx01")
4.Send FTP command "ALLO [file size of osif3.asc.bin]"
5.Send FTP command "STOR osif3.dat"
Transfer "osif3.asc.bin" as "osif3.dat"
6.Send FTP command "ALLO [file size of hw_oper3.hwi.bin]"
7.Send FTP command "STOR hw_oper3.hwi"
Transfer "hw_oper3.hwi.bin" as "hw_oper3.hwi"
8.Close FTP connection
9.At "LNET:OSM>" prompt in telnet
Send "OSPGM" command
10.Processor will reboot (telnet connection will be dropped).
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