Again, cal kit labels should be chosen to best describe the calibration devices. The “B.1” default suffix corresponds to the kit’s mechanical revision
(B) and mathematical revision (1).
To prevent confusion, if any standard definitions in a calibration kit are modified but a new kit label is not entered, the default label will appear with the last character replaced by a “*”. This is not the case if only a class is redefined without changing a standard definition.
Enter standards/classes
The specifications for the Standard Definition table and Standard Class Assignments table can be entered into the 8510 through front panel menu- driven entry or under program control by an exter- nal controller. The procedure for entry of standard definitions, standard labels, class assignments, class labels, and calibration kit label is described in Appendix A.
DO NOT exit the calibration kit modification process without saving the calibration kit defini- tions in the appropriate register in the 8510. Failure to save the redefined calibration kit will result in not saving the new definitions and the original definitions for that register will remain. Once this process is completed, it is recommended that the new calibration kit should be saved on tape.
Verify performance
Once a measurement calibration using a particular calibration kit has been generated, its performance should be checked before making device measure- ments. To check the accuracy that can be obtained using the new calibration kit, a device with a well defined frequency response (preferably unlike any of the standards used) should be measured. It is important to note that the verification device must not be one of the calibration standards. Calibrated measurement of one of the calibration standards is merely a measure of repeatability.
A performance check of waveguide calibration kits is often accomplished by measuring a zero length short or a short at the end of a straight section of waveguide. The measured response of this device on a polar display should be a dot at 1 ∠ 180°. The deviation from the known is an indication of the accuracy. To achieve a more complete verification of a particular measurement calibration, (including dynamic accuracy) accurately known verification standards with a diverse magnitude and phase response should be used. NBS traceable or Agilent standards are recommended to achieve verifiable measurement accuracy. Further, it is recommend- ed that verification standards with known but dif- ferent phase and magnitude response than any of the calibration standards be used to verify per- formance of the 8510.