Altinex MT105-100, MT105-101 manual STA0, Single Card Operation, Group Operation, Path Operation

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Command = [I2O*C4]

Feedback = (MA0202020202020202C04)


= Matrix Settings

0202…02 = Output connections


= Card ID

Output Connection Description:

Reading from left to right, the first two digits are for output 1, the next two for output 2, and so on. Each two digit pair represents the input number to which each output is connected.


This command disables automatic feedback from the card and front panel. The command affects any card with auto-feedback capability, not just the MT105-100/101.The default at power on or reset is STA0, off.

Command Format [STA0]


This command will enable one or more outputs for a single card, or a group of cards.


Command Format: [ONmCnUi]

m= Output number (m = # from 1 to 8) Cn = Card ID (n = # from 1 to max slots)

Ui = Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 9)


There is an MT105-100 card in slot 5. All of the outputs are off.

1)[ON1C5]: Turns on only Input 1.

2)[ON3C5]: Turns on only Input 3. Inputs 1 and 3 are now on.


This command enables output “m” for each card in group “k” of unit “i”.



Command Format: [ONmGkUi]

m= Output number (m = # from 1-8) Gk = Group number (k = # from 1-8)

Ui = Unit ID (i = # from 0-9)


[ON1G1]: Turns on Output 1 for each card in Group 1. See the GROUP commands for a detailed explanation.


This command will set the path for the output, but it is not active until the switch command, [SW], is executed. Commands ending in “P” are not executed immediately. The path for outputs on multiple cards, or the same card, may be preloaded.

Command Format: [ONmCnUiP]

m = Output number (m = # from 1 to 8)

Cn = Card ID (n = slot # from 1 to max slots)

Ui = Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 9)

P= Path


There are two MT105-100cards in slots 6 and

9.Enable Output 1 of card 6 and Output 3 of card 9 simultaneously. To do this, send the following commands:

[ON1C6P] , [ON3C9P] and [SW]

If “F” is included, use the [ONmCnPF] command or the [ONmCnFP] command.


Command Format: [ON…..F]

After processing a command, an “OK” or “[ERR001]” will be returned as feedback if “F” is included at the end of a command string.


[ON1C2F]: if path is not set

[ON1C2PF]: if path is set


Image 12
Contents MT105-100/MT105-101 Troubleshooting Guide Installation CleaningGeneral FCC / CE NoticeMT105-100/MT105-101 Description of MT105-100/101 Diagram 1 Typical Setup Diagram 2 Internal View MT105-100 Diagram 3 Internal View MT105-101 Description of Commands RS-232 Control1 RS-232 Interface VERVER CnSSAVEDC04 STA1 STA0 Single Card OperationGroup Operation Path OperationOFF 10. …S Save11. …F Feedback SW Switch 12. …P PathImOx ImOFBD RSI SIDnSIDnCi SID+nTest MATmXyHelp 26. WRRMC RMG29. RD Summary of Commands Menu ModeMenu Command Definitions VERUsing Menu Mode Menu TypesMain Menu SUB MenusSelect Card/Group for Control ESCMenu Mode Examples Limited WARRANTY/RETURN Policy Contact Information No DisplayALTINEX, INC Toll Free 1-800-ALTINEX