Altinex MT105-101, MT105-100 RS-232 Control, 1 RS-232 Interface, Description of Commands, Ver

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Step 1. Turn off power to the Multi-Tasker™ enclosure.

Step 2. Slide the MT105-100/101into an available slot in the Multi-Tasker™ enclosure in order to connect to the bus. Make sure that the MT105-100/101card fits into place. Secure the card to the Multi-Tasker™ by tightening the retainer screws located on the top and bottom of the MT105-100/101card.

Step 3. Turn on power to the Multi-Tasker™ enclosure.

Step 4. Connect a coaxial cable from the video source to the input connector of the MT105-100/101. Connect the output connectors of the MT105-100/101to the display devices through a coaxial cable.

Step 5. Starting from the left, identify the slot number where the MT105-100/101card is plugged into the Enclosure and note that it is for RS-232 control.



7.1 RS-232 CONTROL

The MT105-100/101has many advanced remote control capabilities, which are accessible through standard RS-232 communication. Actual control may be accomplished through a computer control system or any other device capable of sending RS-232 commands.

7.1.1 RS-232 INTERFACE

The RS-232 commands, for the MT105-100/101are in a simple ASCII character format.

1.Square brackets “[ ]” are part of the command.

2.Use uppercase letters for all commands.

The cards in a Multi-Tasker™ system are capable of performing various functions, as well as providing feedback to the user or control system. Commands instruct a card to perform specific actions or request information about the status of the card. Some commands do both at the same time.

A command that instructs the card to simply perform an action will generate feedback of “[ ]”. The open and close brackets indicate the card received a valid command. If the command requested information from the card, the feedback generated by the card is the acknowledgement of having received a valid command. Invalid commands generate feedback of “[ERR001]”.

After processing a command, an “OK” or [ERR001] will be returned as feedback if “F” is included at the end of a command string.

Commands ending in “S” will be saved into memory. Commands not ending in “S” will still be executed but will not be restored when the system is reset or powered off then on.


Each command consists of three parts: Function, Card ID, and Unit ID.

[ Function , Card ID , Unit ID ]

Example: [VERC3U2]


= Function


= Card ID or Group ID


= Unit ID

For Function, see a detailed explanation under each command description.

The Card ID is a unique identifier. It is equal to the enclosure slot number, or it may be an assigned value. As the slot number, the value can range from 1 to 4 up to 1 to 20 depending on the enclosure. If the value is assigned, the ID may be a maximum of 99.

Card ID 0 (C0) is used for the controller and cannot be reassigned.




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Contents MT105-100/MT105-101 Troubleshooting Guide Cleaning InstallationGeneral FCC / CE NoticeMT105-100/MT105-101 Description of MT105-100/101 Diagram 1 Typical Setup Diagram 2 Internal View MT105-100 Diagram 3 Internal View MT105-101 RS-232 Control Description of Commands1 RS-232 Interface VERVER CnSSAVEDC04 STA1 Single Card Operation STA0Group Operation Path OperationOFF 10. …S Save11. …F Feedback 12. …P Path SW SwitchImOx ImOFBD SIDn RSISIDnCi SID+nMATmXy TestHelp 26. WRRMC RMG29. RD Menu Mode Summary of CommandsMenu Command Definitions VERMenu Types Using Menu ModeMain Menu SUB MenusESC Select Card/Group for ControlMenu Mode Examples No Display Limited WARRANTY/RETURN Policy Contact InformationALTINEX, INC Toll Free 1-800-ALTINEX