12 | Patch Release Note |
transmitted while the IPsec SA renegotiation took place. This issue has been resolved.
PCR: 40340 | Module: IPG | Level: 3 |
The IP Options fields were being processed multiple times if a Firewall or NAT were enabled. This resulted in two Timestamps or Record_Route fields being added at each hop, instead of one. This issue has been resolved.
PCR: 40350 | Module: OSPF | Level: 2 |
All OSPF packets sent had an IP Precedence of 0 rather than 110. This issue has been resolved.
PCR: 40372 | Module: IPG | Level: 2 |
A slow memory leak was observed in some circumstances when adding and deleting routes in the routing table. This issue has been resolved.
PCR: 40378 | Module: PPP | Level: 2 |
If the remote PPPoE client was not responding to LCP Configure Requests, the PPPoE access concentrator would continually send configure requests, as the PPP template could not be configured to change this default setting. This issue has been resolved.
PCR: 40399 | Module: IPv6 | Level: 3 |
The add ipv6 nd command did not work when the port parameter was specified. This issue has been resolved.
PCR: 40402 | Module: IPSEC | Level: 2 |
When two devices (A and B) had an IPsec tunnel connecting them and the default route of device A was to device B, device B had a fatal error. If A lost a link, any packets for that link were delivered to B unencrypted. If these packets were routed through device B to device A, then B recognised the packets as needing to be decrypted and attempted it. This caused a fatal error. This issue has been resolved.
PCR: 40403 | Module: BGP | Level: 2 |
Procedures for handling bgp update messages which contained an invalid next_hop attribute specified in Section 6, RFC1711 were incorrect. This issue has been resolved.
PCR: 40405 Module: ENCO | Level: 2 |
If the ENCO process used to encrypt an ISAKMP packet failed, a switch reboot could occur. This issue has been resolved.
PCR: 40408 | Module: SWMX,SWI | Level: 2 |
When a nested VLAN core port received a packet, it could trigger some debug to the console port, and prevent further communication via that console port. This issue has been resolved.