The following glossary explains the features and functions found on Century Series front of house consoles.
80Hz High Pass Switch
When depressed, this switch attenuates all low frequency con- tent at a 12db per octave rate referenced to 80Hz. This control is useful with live microphones, as it helps reduce undesirable low frequency "rumble", usually is transmitted to the micro- phone by way of its microphone stand. High quality micro- phones employ internal shock mounts which lessen this prob- lem, but it still remains to some degree. If this material is not removed, the low frequency content tends to make the amplifi- er and speaker systems work harder.
100mm Fader See Fader 48 Volt Phantom Power
This switch turns on the +48V used to power some micro- phones. See XLR Microphone Input for more information.
Auxiliary 3•4 Switch
This switch toggles the two upper Aux Send controls between 1,2 and 3,4. With the switch up, the two Send controls feed Aux 1 and 2. With the switch down, the two controls feed Aux 3 and 4.
Auxiliary 8 Direct Switch
This switch disconnects the Aux 8 level control from the Aux 8 mix bus and instead is used to control the Direct Output of the channel. Normally the Direct Out jack is
Auxiliary Bus
The Aux Bus carries signal from the Aux Send controls to the Aux outputs on the rear panel of the Master Section. A typical setup would entail using the Aux
Auxiliary Mute Switches
The Master Section of the GT consoles have mute switches for each Aux send. When depressed, this switch mutes the corre- sponding Aux Send Master. When the mute is engaged no sig- nal leaves the associated Aux out jack and a red LED illumi- nates to the left of the switch. These mute switches are active only if the Aux Mute Master switch on the Master Module is depressed.
Auxiliary Pre/Post Switch
See Pre/Post Fader Switches
Auxiliary Send Controls
All Century Series consoles employ eight Aux Sends per input channel which send signal to the Aux Bus. These sends are controlled via the six level controls on each input module. Aux Sends
(green) are typically used for effect sends. Each effect return section has Aux
Bus Assignment Switches
Wherever these switches occur, they assign the post Pan pot signals to odd and even mix buses. The Pan pot controls assignment between odd and even mix buses with extreme left assigning signal exclusively to the odd mix bus and extreme right the even mix bus. It is a common practice to assign all effect return channels to a sub group channel. This enables the overall amount of effect signal to be controlled from a single fader location. Between musical numbers, it is possible to turn off the effects with this group fader or group mute switch or to vary the amount of overall effect return in reference to the dry original signals, using the group fader control.
DC Power Indicators
Each Century Series console uses a variety of electrical volt- ages which are fed to the console from the power supply. The status of each operating voltage (+20,
Dim Switch
This GT Master Section switch produces a
Direct Out Jack
Each input module has an unbalanced 1/4 direct out jack. The output from this jack is
Effect Auxiliary Level Control
Effect Return EQ
Each effect return section has a
Effect Return Gain
This control adjusts the gain on the signal returning from the effect. Use the effect return signal present and peak LED’s to set the gain properly.
Effect Return Subgroup Assignments
Much like the switches on each input module, these switches assign the corresponding effect return to any or all subgroups. The Pan control operates in the same fashion, that is; extreme left assigning signal exclusively to the odd mix bus and extreme right the even mix bus.
EQ In Switch
This input module switch, when depressed, inserts the EQ sec- tion into the signal path and illuminates a green LED to the left