Chapter 4: AMI BIOS
CPU Temperature
The CPU temperature status displays as follows:
Low – This level is considered as the ‘normal’ operating state. The CPU temperature is well below the CPU ‘Temperature Tolerance’. The mother- board fans and CPU will run normally as configured in the BIOS (Fan Speed Control).
User intervention: No action required.
Medium – The processor is running warmer. This is a ‘precautionary’ level and generally means that there may be factors contributing to this condition, but the CPU is still within its normal operating state and below the CPU ‘Temperature Tolerance’. The motherboard fans and CPU will run normally as configured in the BIOS. The fans may adjust to a faster speed depending on the Fan Speed Control settings.
User intervention: No action is required. However, consider checking the CPU fans and the chassis ventilation for blockage.
High – The processor is running hot. This is a ‘caution’ level since the CPU’s ‘Temperature Tolerance’ has been reached (or has been exceeded) and may activate an overheat alarm:
The information provided above is for your reference only. For more information on thermal management, please refer to Intel’s Web site at www.intel.com.
System Temperature / Peripheral Temperature
This feature displays the system and peripheral device temperatures, as detected by the motherboard sensors.
Fan 1 ~ Fan 5 Speed
This feature displays the fan speed readings from fan interfaces Fan1 through Fan5.
This feature displays the current voltages of the above voltage monitors.
ACPI Settings
Use this feature to configure Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) power management settings for your system.
High Precision Event Timers
Select Enabled to activate the High Performance Event Timer (HPET) that produces periodic interrupts at a much higher frequency than a