SMCBR24Q User Manual
this table. The Router will forward the incoming packets to the LAN host.
1.Enter the range of port numbers, application name, and incoming port range.
2.You can click the Add to List button to add Port Triggering or Delete selected application.
For more information, click the Help button. Click the Save Settings button to save the Forwarding settings or click the Cancel button to undo the changes. Click the Show Tables to see the details.
UPnP forwarding can be used to set up public services on your network. Windows XP can modify those entries via UPnP when UPnP function is enabled by selecting Yes.
1.Users need to click the Service Management to enter the Service Name, Protocol, External Port, Internal Port, and then click Add to list and then Save Settings.
2.Enter the Host Name or IP Address of the server that you want the Internet users to access, and then enable the entry by checking the Enable box.
3.Click the Add to List button, and configure as many entries as you would like to. The max. entry is 30. You can also delete the entry by clicking the Delete selected application button.
4.Users can also change the IP address and Disable the entry. Click the selected entry, change IP or
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