SMCBR24Q User Manual
Direction: Select Upstream for outbound traffic or Downstream for inbound traffic from the
Priority: The default priority for the service is middle, so users can select high or low for the specific service. Services in high priority will share 60% of total system bandwidth, and services in low priority will share 10% of total bandwidth.
Enable: Check the box and push the
Add to list: After set up the rule, click the Add to list button. The max entry is 30.
Note: Any configurations here except the default will make the
please refer to
Click the Save Settings button to save the QoS Priority settings, click the Cancel Changes button to undo the changes, or click Summary button to view the summary of Priority rule.
All Priority rule set by the users will be displayed in Summary table by interface. Users can click the Edit button to edit the rule.
SMCBR24Q has two tools built in to help with trouble shooting network problems.
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