SMCBR24Q User Manual
Web Site Hit Rate
The Website Hit Rate tab shows the top 10 websites by frequency the selected user has visited today, last six days, and their related information, Ranking, Web Site, and Hit Rates. This also allows you to block the selected website.
Select Users: Select the users from the
Select Date: Select the date from the
Refresh Data: Click the R e f r e s h D a t a button to update the data.
Ranking: The rankings of the top 10 websites are in a descending order.
Web Site: Click the website address and Internet Explorer will open at that address to find out the site
Hit Rates: This shows how many times the web has been visited.
Block: Check the box to block the site by clicking once. Click again to unblock the site. The default is “unblock”.
After saving the settings, the blocked website will be listed in the Website Block list.
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