A VoIP number is like a telephone number, and is used to dial a TalkSwitch system at a particular location. Each VoIP number must be unique (i.e. only used at one location).
VoIP numbers 250 to 299 permit direct dialing from any extension, auto attendant or call cascade to any extension, auto attendant or voice mailbox in the TalkSwitch VoIP network. No line hunt group number is required. Longer VoIP numbers can also be used, but the user must first dial a line hunt group number.
To assist in assigning VoIP numbers for your network, use the Appendix A — TalkSwitch VoIP network administration form on page 28.
1. Select the VoIP Numbers page.
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2.Select a VoIP number slot.
3.Select the Activate VoIP Number check box.
4.Set the VoIP profile to TalkSwitch.
5.Enter the VoIP number into the Phone number box.
6.Set up call handling for the VoIP number. For more information, click the Help icon ( ) in the Call Handling area.
7.Repeat steps 2 to 6 for each additional VoIP number.
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