7.If your service provider requires you to set up keep alive messages, and if your router does not support uPNP, set up keep alive messages.
Keep alive messages maintain the connection from the TalkSwitch unit, through your router, to the service provider’s SIP server.
a)Select the Enable NAT keep alives check box.
b)Click Settings. The Keep Alive Settings window appears.
c)Select the type of ping, as directed by your service provider. Choices are:
•Simple ping — A standard ping message that works with all SIP servers.
•Nortel ping — A longer but more reliable ping message that only works with specific Nortel SIP servers (e.g. Nortel MCS 5200).
d)If necessary, change the ping frequency, as directed by your service provider. The default setting is 45 seconds.
8.Enter the IP addresses or FQDNs, as provided by the service provider, into the following boxes. If the service provider does not specify a value, leave the box blank.
• Proxy server name
• Registrar server name
• Outbound proxy
• Realm/domain
If you are using a
A codec is a method of compressing and decompressing audio signals for communication across a network. TalkSwitch supports the G.729, G.726 and G.711
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