8. Glossary
access level
Also known as permission level, the amount of access any person has to the BlackArmor® server. BlackArmor Manager has two permission levels: administrator and user.
A BlackArmor administrator is responsible for the BlackArmor server and all its settings. An administrator can set up or delete user accounts, group accounts, and shares; assign or remove access permissions; modify any setting on the server; and create other administrators. See also “user”.
archive backup
See “replication”.
Common Internet File System. A file system that lets people with different computers running Windows operating systems share files without having to install special software.
A group of computers administered as a single unit from a central location.
A problem or change in setting on the BlackArmor server. A change in the server’s name or the failure of a disk drive are both server events.
external USB hard drive
See “USB drive”
Software that’s built into hardware.
To format a disk drive is to prepare it for reading and writing data. Formatting erases background information from a disk drive, tests it, and prepares it for use. Formatting may destroy existing files on a disk drive. You must format a disk drive before you can use it.
File Transfer Protocol. A format for exchanging files over the Internet. FTP is commonly used to upload files to or download files from a server over the Internet.
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