Your BlackArmor Server’s Default Settings
Your BlackArmor Server’s Default Settings
Your BlackArmor server is preconfigured with settings that are appropriate for typical use, so that you can get started storing, sharing, and protecting your files right away:
You can use a different level of RAID protection, if you want to. In addition to RAID 5, both RAID 1 and RAID 10 provide data protection. However, RAID 5 is highly recommended as it provides the best level of protection available on your BlackArmor server. Additionally, Seagate recommends that only users familiar and comfortable with RAID technology make changes to the server’s RAID protection.
For more information, see page 31.
The server is also preconfigured with DHCP as its network mode. DHCP is recommended. DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, and is basically a method of assigning IP addresses automatically to all the systems on a network. (Static mode requires that all IP addresses be assigned and changed manually.)
Unless you are part of a large corporation with an IT department, Seagate highly recommends using the DHCP network mode.
user name: admin
password: admin
You are prompted to change the administrator password during the initial server setup. If you didn’t, or want to change it again, open BlackArmor Manager (see page 17). You can change the administrator by selecting Admin Password from the System menu. For
BlackArmor® NAS User Guide | 29 |