For clarification, terms used in some Declarations of Conformity include:
•pollution degree: any addition of foreign matter, solid, liquid or gaseous (ionized gases) that may produce a reduction of dielectric strength or surface resistivity. Pollution Degree I has no influence on safety and implies: the equipment is at operating temperature with
•overvoltage (installation) category: classification with limits for transient overvoltage, dependent on the nominal line voltage to earth. Category I implies signals without high transient values. Category II applies to typical mains power lines with some transients.
Safety Conditions
Users must comply with all relevant safety conditions in the user’s manual and the Declarations of Conformity. This manual and Daq hardware make use of the following Warning and Caution symbols: If you see either of these symbols on a product, carefully read the related information and be alert to the possibility of personal injury.
This warning symbol is used in this manual or on the equipment to warn of possible injury or death from electrical shock under noted conditions.
This warning/caution symbol is used to warn of possible personal injury or equipment damage under noted conditions.
Take ESD precautions (packaging, proper handling, grounded wrist strap, etc.) Use care to avoid touching board surfaces and onboard components. Only handle boards by their edges (or ORBs, if applicable). Ensure boards do not come into contact with foreign elements such as oils, water, and industrial particulate.
Daq products contain no
•The operator must observe all safety cautions and operating conditions specified in the documentation for all hardware used.
•The host computer and all connected equipment must be CE compliant.
•All power must be off to the device and externally connected equipment before internal access to the device is permitted.
•Isolation voltage ratings: do not exceed documented voltage limits for power and signal inputs. All wire insulation and terminal blocks in the system must be rated for the isolation voltage in use. Voltages above 30 Vrms or ±60 VDC must not be applied if any condensation has formed on the device.
•Current and power use must not exceed specifications. Do not defeat fuses or other
Emissions/Immunity Conditions
The specific immunity conditions for CE compliance vary by product; but general immunity conditions include:
•Cables must be shielded,
•The host computer must be properly grounded.
888195 | DaqBoard/500 Series User’s Manual |