4 S-Registers
S3 defines the carriage return character by its decimal ASCII code. The default setting is the ^M character (decimal 13), which is the code for the ENTER key on most keyboards. S3 may be set for any ASCII character.
Note: If you change the S3 value, you must make corresponding changes in your data communications software.
S4 Line Feed Character
Unit: Decimal
Default: 10 (^J)
S4 defines the line feed character by its decimal ASCII code. The default setting is ^J (decimal 10), which is the code for the line feed key on most keyboards that have such a key. S4 may be set for any ASCII character.
S5 Backspace Character
Unit: Decimal
Default: 8 (^H)
S5 defines the backspace character by its decimal ASCII code. The default setting is the ^H character (decimal 8), which is the code for the BACKSPACE key on most keyboards. S5 may be set for any ASCII character.
Note: If you change the S5 value, you must make corresponding changes in your data communications software.
S6 Wait Time for Dial Tone
Unit: 1 second
Default: 2 (North America), 4 (International and U.K.)
S6 defines the length of time the modem waits after the ENTER key is pressed before executing a dial command. The default setting is two seconds for North America, four seconds elsewhere.
S7 Time for Carrier (Abort Timer)
Unit: 1 second
Default: 45 (North America and International) or 55 (U.K.)
S7 determines the abort timer delay time, which is the amount of time your modem will wait for a carrier signal before it disconnects. The default value is 45 seconds, except the U.K. model, for which it is 55 seconds. This means that, after dialing, the modem waits for a carrier signal for up to 45 or 55 seconds and, if none is detected, aborts the call. The maximum S7 value is 255 seconds for the USA model, 45 seconds for Canadian and International models, and 55 seconds for the U.K. model.
S8 Pause Time for Comma
Unit: 1 second
Default: 2 (North America), 4 (International and U.K.)
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