Chapter 4 - MultiFRAD Software
We now have WAN IP address from the IP protocol stack mapped to DLCI 17. Let’s say we also want to map a data channel to DLCI 17. The data ports that are already mapped to other DLCIs are grayed out. In our example, lets map data port 3 to DLCI 17. Simply click Port 3 in the Data Port Mappings group and an X appears in the box at the left of Port 3. Now we have both data port 3 and IP WAN address mapped to DLCI 17. The MultiFRAD allows multiple sources of data to be mapped to the same DLCI because the MultiFRAD multiplexes all the data onto the DLCI. In other words, bandwidth for that DLCI is shared by all the data sources mapped to the DLCI. Of course, this means that all the data sources must go to the same remote site, since the frame relay network will send all data on DLCI 17 to the same place.