Full Status Counter
The Full Status Counter determines how may Polling Intervals take place before a full status is requested from the network. A full status enquiry message is sent from the MultiFRAD to the network requesting a status report of the PVC on the physical link. The Full Status Counter can range from 1 to 255, with a default of 6.
Error Threshold
The Error Threshold is used to indicate the threshold number of errors occurring during a full cycle of the Monitored Event. After each full cycle of the Monitored Event Counter, if the actual number of errors equals or exceeds the error threshold, the trunk status is brought down and no data may be sent. The error count is reset at the beginning of each cycle of the Monitored Event Counter. The Error Threshold Count can range from 1 to 10 with a default of 3 and should be less than or equal to the Monitored Event Counter.
Monitored Event
The Monitored Event determines the number of Polling Intervals that have to take place before the User Network Interface is operational. It is also used with the error threshold count to determine if the trunk should be brought down. The range of this counter is from 1 to 10 events with a default of 4 events
Committed Info Rate (CIR)
The Committed Info Rate (CIR) determines the data transfer rate at which the network is committed to handle under normal conditions. This rate is the average over a minimum increment of time. The CIR may be less than or equal to the Access Rate. When the CIR is exceeded, but the data rate is below the Excess Burst Rate (Be), there is a possibility that data may be discarded. When the Be is exceeded, data will most likely be discarded. The default CIR is 32K.