1 Introduction
Congratulations on your purchase of the Maretron Alternating Current (AC) Monitor (ACM100). Maretron has designed and built your ACM100 to the highest standards for years of dependable and accurate service.
Maretron’s ACM100 is a device which monitors AC power sources and outputs information about these sources onto the industry standard NMEA 2000® marine data network. ACM100 output information is then displayed with networked NMEA 2000® equipment such as the Maretron DSM250 dedicated display or with NMEA 2000® compatible software such as Maretron N2KView. The ACM100 can sense voltages up to 240VAC
The Maretron ACM100 is designed to operate within the harsh demands of the marine environment. However, no piece of marine electronic equipment can function properly unless installed, configured, and maintained in the correct manner. Please read carefully and follow these instructions for installation, configuration, and usage of the Maretron ACM100 in order to ensure optimal performance.
1.1 Firmware Revision
This manual corresponds to ACM100 firmware revision 1.0.0.
1.2 ACM100 Features
The Maretron ACM100 has the following features.
•NMEA 2000® Interface
•Waterproof Connectors
•Sealed Waterproof Enclosure
•Monitoring of busses carrying AC power and transmitting
•Monitoring AC Power Sources such as Utilities and Generators and transmitting:
oReal Power
oReactive Power
oApparent Power
oPower Factor
oTotal Energy Imported
oTotal Energy Exported
•Can be used in the following configurations
o120VAC single phase
o208VAC Y
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