Operating Instructions
4.2.11Continuous Tie-Systems
A UPS system that has lost one or more modules can be taken
Normal Operating Configuration
Initially both load isolation breakers are closed. The Tie breaker is open. Both UPS systems are on inverter output. See Figure 5.
Once the Tie operation is initiated the systems synchronize to the selected Primary Bypass source.
Tying the UPS Systems - Continuous Parallel Operations
Both load isolation circuit breakers will be initially closed and the Tie circuit breaker initially open. The Tie circuit breaker is closed if the systems are in a combined loads mode. Both UPS systems will be on inverter output.
1.Select the Primary Bypass source for the combined systems with the PRIMARY BYPASS SELECT switch in the CONTINUOUS TIE CONTROL section of the control panel. If System 1 will be the Primary Bypass then the switch should be in the SYS1 position.
2.Press the SYNCHRONIZE SYSTEMS button in the CONTINUOUS TIE CONTROL section of the control panel. The push button turns on.
3.Wait for the OK TO TIE SYSTEMS light to turn on.
4.After the OK TO TIE SYSTEMS light turns on, press the PUSH TO TIE SYSTEMS AFTER OK button. The Tie breaker will close to put the systems in parallel operation.
5.Both systems will share both critical load feeders.
Returning Parallel Systems to Normal Operation - End Continuous Tie
Both Load circuit breakers and the Tie circuit breaker will be initially closed.
1.Press the SYNCHRONIZE SYSTEMS button. The light turns off.
2.Wait for the OK TO OPEN TIE light to turn on.
3.Once the OK TO OPEN TIE light turns on, press the PUSH TO OPEN TIE AFTER OK button. The Tie circuit breaker opens, separating the systems.
4.Both UPS systems will supply their normal load feeders and operate independent of each other.