Local IP Address
The local IP address is the IP address assigned to this router. The IP address is entered in the standard IP address format of a.b.c.d. The local IP address is required during the PPP negotiation. Please ask your ISP if you don’t possess one, unless you have a connection with dynamic IP address allocation. You would need to reset the router if this field gets changed.
Local IP Mask
The local IP mask is used to describe the local IP
Dial (ISDN) number
The remote ISDN number is the ISP’s ISDN number you want to dial to gain access to the Internet. Your ISP will provide you a list of ISDN numbers for you to choose from. In North America, the dialing of a ‘1’ followed by 10 digits is required in order to access the clean 64K BPS ISDN B channel(s). There should be only digits in this field, no space or other terminators are acceptable.
Encapsulation Protocol
The encapsulation protocol specifies the protocol you want to run over the data channel. Select PPP, if you want to run single channel PPP. Select MLPPP, if you want two channel PPP.
The compression field specifies if the Stac compression protocol will be turned on for the Internet connection.
Network Address Translation Enable
This field enables or disables the NAT function. This configuration becomes effective immediately after setting.
Dial-out Authentication
Dial-out Password