The field gives a brief description of the product, as provided by the manufacturer.
This field is used by the user to assign a name to this ISDN router.
This field is used by the user to describe the location of this ISDN router.
This field is used by the user to describe the contact person for the ISDN router.
Read Community
This field is used to assign a “password” for SNMP read operation.
Read-Write Community
This field is used to assign a “password” for SNMP
Trap Enable
This parameter is used to enable or disable the trap delivery.
Trap Server Port
This parameter specifies which UDP port the traps are sent to.
Trap Server IP Address
This parameter specifies IP address where the traps are sent to.
Statistics Menu
Statistics Ethernet Sub-menu
The Statistics Ethernet
System Up Time
This is the time elapsed since the time the ISDN router has been
This counter displays the number of bytes the Ethernet has received or transmitted.