Overview of the NAC Controller PEP Shutdown Procedure
Recommended Shutdown Procedure
Caution: Do not remove a NAC Controller PEP from an operating chassis system before reading the following information and instructions.
Precaución: Antes de retirar los módulos DFE del chasis en funcionamiento, lea las siguientes instrucciones y la información suministrada.
Before pulling a NAC Controller PEP out of a chassis,
press or tap on its OFFLINE/RESET switch for less than 1 second.
Its CPU LED changes from solid green to blinking between green and amber, indicating that the module is shutting down. At the end of the shutdown routine, the CPU LED changes to a 67%/33% sequence of amber/off, respectively, indicating the module is in a halt state. In this time it is safe to restart or remove the module from the chassis.
When a controlled shutdown is initiated from the OFFLINE/RESET switch, you have 60 seconds from the time the CPU starts alternately flashing amber/off until the device automatically restarts.
Note: The only safe time to pull a chassis out of the chassis is when the CPU LED is alternately flashing amber/off. Otherwise, system operation will be interrupted.
Last Resort Shutdown Procedure
Caution: This method of shutting down a NAC Controller PEP is not recommended except as a last resort, because all processes currently running on the module will be interrupted resulting in loss of frames.
Precaución: No se recomienda utilizar este método para apagar los módulos DFE. Recurra a él sólo como último recurso, puesto que interrumpe todos los procesos del módulo en funcionamiento, lo que podría resultar pérdidas de frames.
To reset a NAC Controller PEP without it performing an orderly shutdown routine,
press and hold the OFFLINE/RESET switch for approximately 6 seconds.
Pulling any NAC Controller PEP out of the chassis before it has been shut down is not recommended. The only safe time to pull a module out of the chassis is after the completion of a shutdown and the management LED is alternately flashing amber/off.
Enterasys NAC Controller Hardware Installation Guide