w w w . d e l l . c o m s u p p o r t . d e l l . c o m
CAUTION: To reduce the risk of electrical shock, a trained service technician must disconnect all power supply cables before servicing the system.
VAROVANI: Ke snízení rizika úrazu elektrickým proudem je nutné, aby školený servisní technik pred provádením servisu systému odpojil všechny napájecí kabely.
FORSIGTIG: For at reducere risikoen for elektrisk stød, bør en professionel servicetekniker frakoble alle strømforsyningskabler, før systemet serviceres.
TÄRKEÄÄ: Sähköiskuvaaran pienentämiseksi ammattitaitoisen huoltohenkilön on irrotettava kaikki virtajohdot ennen järjestelmän huoltamista.
UWAGA: Aby zmniejszyc ryzyko porazenia pradem, przed naprawa lub konserwacja systemu wszystkie kable zasilania powinny byc odlaczone przez przeszkolonego technika obslugi.
ADVARSEL! Unngå fare for støt: En erfaren servicetekniker må koble fra alle strømledninger før det utføres service på systemet.
VARNING: En behörig servicetekniker måste koppla loss alla nätkablar innan service utförs för att minska risken för elektriska stötar.
ОСТОРОЖНО! Чтобы избежать поражения электрическим током, перед обслуживанием системы все кабели электрического питания должны быть отключены квалифицированным техническим специалистом.
•Observe and follow service markings:
•Do not service any product except as explained in your system documentation.
•Opening or removing covers that are marked with the triangular symbol with a lightning bolt may expose you to electrical shock.
•Components inside these compartments should be serviced only by a trained service technician.
–This product contains no serviceable components. Do not attempt to open.
•If any of the following conditions occur, unplug the product from the electrical outlet and replace the part or contact your trained service provider:
–The power cable, extension cable, or plug is damaged.
–An object has fallen into the product.
–The product has been exposed to water.
–The product has been dropped or damaged.
–The product does not operate correctly when you follow the operating instructions.
•Keep your system away from radiators and heat sources. Also, do not block cooling vents.
•Do not spill food or liquids on your system components, and never operate the product in a wet environment. If the system gets wet, see the appropriate section in your troubleshooting guide or contact your trained service provider.
Product Overview