4Click SIP to view individual SIP version information.
Figure 3-32. SIP Selection Dialog Box
5Select the SIP that you wish to view and click Version. The SIP Version dialog box appears. For more information on loading firmware, see "Appendix A: Flash Upgrades".
6Click X or press <Escape> to close the various Version dialog boxes.
Resetting a SIP
SIPs can be reset using the Reset button in the SIP Version dialog box.
NOTE: This procedure is only relevant where your 2161DS Console Switch system involves a PS/2 SIP attached to a tiered switch. On these occasions, it may be necessary to reset the SIP when the tiered switch is not recognized.
NOTE: If a reset is performed, when a 2161DS Console Switch is connected directly to a server, and not a Cascade Switch, the mouse/keyboard may fail to respond. When this occurs, the target server requires
To reset a SIP:
1 Press <Print Screen>. The Main dialog box will appear.
2 Click Commands - Display Versions. The Version dialog box appears.
3 Click SIP. The SIP Selection dialog box appears.
4Select the PS/2 SIP that you wish to view and click Version. The SIP Version dialog box appears.
Analog Port Operation