a.Idle Time field: If the Idle Time was specified with
Click the button Next, the “LAN Setting” page, Figure 4 – 3, appears on the screen.
Figure 4 – 3
Step 4. The ” LAN Setting” page is used to configure ZSR0104C SERIES IP address of LAN interface. You can assign the IP address from one of three private IP address groups
a.10.x.x.x with subnet mask; x must be in range 0 to 255
b.172.x.x.x with subnet mask; x must be in range 0 to 255
c.192.168.x.x with subnet mask; x must be in range 0 to 255 Or a public IP address group with appropriated subnet mask.
Click the button Next, the “DHCP Setting” page, Figure 4 – 4, appears on the screen.
Figure 4
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