4.DNS (Domain Name System) Failure.
Please refer to the solution for each reason and solve your problem. If the problem persists, please contact our authorized distributor or dealer for technical support.
1. Router’s Hardware Failure
1.Make sure the Power adapter is securely plugged into a power outlet and Power LED is on.
2.Failed Connection between ZSR0104C SERIES and Client PC
1.Check if the LAN link/act LED is continuously or flash.
2.Use the ping command to probe the network connection between ZSR0104C SERIES and your client PC. For example, the ZSR0104C SERIES LAN IP address is Type “Ping” (ZSR0104C SERIES default IP address. If it shows “Reply from”, the network connection works. If not, please use another Ethernet Cable to connect your Client PC to ZSR0104C SERIES.
3.If you can reach your ZSR0104C SERIES with ping command, verify that you have disabled the Web Proxy function. For information of disabling the Web Proxy, please refer to A.2 Disable Web Proxy in Appendix A: Configure TCP/IP in Your PC
If the problem persists, there might be a problem in your PC, Ethernet Interface Card, or Ethernet cable. Use another client system and try the approach again.
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