Error Codes | Appendix |
Error Codes
The following error codes could occur when a driver function has been called. Please check carefully the allowed setup for the register and change the settings to run the program.
error name | value (hex) | value (dec.) | error description |
ERR_OK | 0h | 0 | Execution OK, no error. |
ERR_INIT | 1h | 1 | The board number is not in the range of 0 to 15. When initialisation is executed: the board number is yet |
| initialised, the old definition will be used. |
ERR_NR | 2h | 2 | The board is not initialised yet. Use the function SpcInitPCIBoards first. If using ISA boards the function SpcIn- |
| itBoard must be called first. |
ERR_TYP | 3h | 3 | Initialisation only: The type of board is unknown. This is a critical error. Please check whether the board is |
| correctly plug in the slot and whether you have the latest driver version. |
ERR_FNCNOTSUPPORTED | 4h | 4 | This function is not supported by the hardware version. |
ERR_BRDREMAP | 5h | 5 | The board index remap table in the registry is wrong. Either delete this table or check it craefully for double |
| values. |
ERR_KERNELVERSION | 6h | 6 | The version of the kernel driver is not matching the version of the DLL. Please do a complete reinstallation of |
| the hardware driver. This error normally only occurs if someone copies the dll manually to the system direc- |
| tory. |
ERR_HWDRVVERSION | 7h | 7 | The hardware needs a newer driver version to run properly. Please install the driver that was delivered |
| together with the board. |
ERR_LASTERR | 10h | 16 | Old Error waiting to be read. Please read the full error information before proceeding. The driver is locked |
| until the error information has been read. |
ERR_ABORT | 20h | 32 | Abort of wait function. This return value just tells that the function has been aborted from another thread. |
ERR_BOARDLOCKED | 30h | 48 | Access to the driver already locked by another program. Stop the other program before starting this one. |
| Only one program can access the driver at the time. |
ERR_REG | 100h | 256 | The register is not valid for this type of board. |
ERR_VALUE | 101h | 257 | The value for this register is not in a valid range. The allowed values and ranges are listed in the board spe- |
| cific documentation. |
ERR_FEATURE | 102h | 258 | Feature (option) is not installed on this board. It’s not possible to access this feature if it’s not installed. |
ERR_SEQUENCE | 103h | 259 | Channel sequence is not allowed. |
ERR_READABORT | 104h | 260 | Data read is not allowed after aborting the data acquisition. |
ERR_NOACCESS | 105h | 261 | Access to this register denied. No access for user allowed. |
ERR_POWERDOWN | 106h | 262 | Not allowed if powerdown mode is activated. |
ERR_TIMEOUT | 107h | 263 | A timeout occured while waiting for an interrupt. Why this happens depends on the application. Please |
| check whether the timeout value is programmed too small. |
ERR_CHANNEL | 110h | 272 | The channel number may not be accessed on the board: Either it is not a valid channel number or the chan- |
| nel is not accessible due to the actual setup (e.g. Only channel 0 is accessible in interlace mode) |
ERR_RUNNING | 120h | 288 | The board is still running, this function is not available now or this register is not accessible now. |
ERR_ADJUST | 130h | 304 | Automatic adjustion has reported an error. Please check the boards inputs. |
ERR_NOPCI | 200h | 512 | No PCI BIOS is found on the system. |
ERR_PCIVERSION | 201h | 513 | The PCI bus has the wrong version. SPECTRUM PCI boards require PCI revision 2.1 or higher. |
ERR_PCINOBOARDS | 202h | 514 | No SPECTRUM PCI boards found. If you have a PCI board in your system please check whether it is cor- |
| rectly plug into the slot connector and whether you have the latest driver version. |
ERR_PCICHECKSUM | 203h | 515 | The checksum of the board information has failed. This could be a critical hardware failure. Restart the sys- |
| tem and check the connection of the board in the slot. |
ERR_DMALOCKED | 204h | 516 | DMA buffer not available now. |
ERR_MEMALLOC | 205h | 517 | Internal memory allocation failed. Please restart the system and be sure that there is enough free memory. |
ERR_FIFOBUFOVERRUN | 300h | 768 | Driver buffer overrun in FIFO mode. The hardware and the driver have been fast enough but the application |
| software didn’t manage to transfer the buffers in time. |
ERR_FIFOHWOVERRUN | 301h | 769 | Hardware buffer overrun in FIFO mode. The hardware transfer and the driver has not been fast enough. |
| Please check the system for bottlenecks and make sure that the driver thread has enough time to transfer |
| data. |
ERR_FIFOFINISHED | 302h | 770 | FIFO transfer has been finished, programmed number of buffers has been transferred. |
ERR_FIFOSETUP | 309h | 777 | FIFO setup not possible, transfer rate to high (max 250 MB/s). |
ERR_TIMESTAMP_SYNC | 310h | 784 | Synchronisation to external timestamp reference clock failed. At initialisation is checked wether there is a |
| clock edge present at the input. |
ERR_STARHUB | 320h | 800 | The autorouting function of the |
| correctly. |
100 | MC.31xx Manual |