46 MC.31xx Manual
Setting up the inputs Analog Inputs
of sets available for storing user offset settings depends on the type of board you use. The table below shows all the EEPROM sets, that are
available for your board.
If you want to make an offset adjustment on all the channels and store the data to the ADJ_USER0 set of the EEPROM you can do this the
way, the following example shows.
To work with these settings instead with the default ones at for example another day, you need to restore your user settings with the help pf
the SPC_ADJ_LOAD register as the following example shows.
Register Value Direction Description
SPC_ADJ_LOAD 50000 w Loads the specified set of settings from the EEPROM. The default settings are automatically loaded,
when the driver is started.
r Reads out, what kind of settings have been loaded last.
SPC_ADJ_SAVE 50010 w Stores the actual settings to the specified set in the EEPROM. T
r Reads out, what kind of settings have been saved last.
ADJ_DEFAULT 0 Default settings can be loaded only. These settings cannot be saved by the user.
ADJ_USER0 1 User settings 0. This is a valid set for storing user offset settings to.
SpcSetParam (hDrv, SPC_ADJ_AUTOADJ, ADJ_ALL ); // Activate offset adjustment on all channels
SpcSetParam (hDrv, SPC_ADJ_SAVE, ADJ_USER0); // and store values to USER0 set in the EEPROM
SpcSetParam (hDrv, SPC_ADJ_LOAD, ADJ_USER0); // and load values to USER0 set in the EEPROM