Accessing the Internet
Be sure to enter your User name and Password exactly as provided, that is, distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters.
6When a connection has been established, you should be ready to access the Internet. You may start your application, e.g. a web browser or
When you want to disconnect,
3.2.2In Windows 2000
If you do not have the shortcut icon on your desktop, proceed to step 2.
2From the Start menu select Settings
If you are prompted for "Location Information", enter your area code and then exit the dialog box.
3Enter your "User name" and "Password" provided by your ISP/service provider. You may check the "Save password" box to have the system remember your credentials for future use. Then click the Dial button.
Be sure to enter your User name and Password exactly as provided, that is, distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters.
4When a connection has been established, you should be ready to access the Internet. You may start your application, e.g. a web browser or
20 (47) | EN/LZT 108 6429 R1 |
May 2003