iR1200 Modem
Packet of Data
A bundle or block of data, organized in a specific way for transmission.
Parallel Port
A low speed port, usually located on the rear of a computer which usually connects to printers. Parallel ports transmit data simultaneously over eight “parallel wires” one byte at a time (as opposed to a serial port, which transmits data one bit at a time).
Parity Bit
Parity is a process for detecting whether bits of data have been altered during transmission. A Parity Bit is a
Personal Identification Number.
(Packet INternet Groper) An Internet utility used to determine whether a particular IP address is online. It is used to test and debug a network by sending out a packet and waiting for a response. A program used to test whether or not a network component is available.
Hardware and software standards that govern transmission between two communications devices. There are several layers, or levels, of functionality in a protocol. Each layer may be available, as a separate software component, or several layers may be combined into one.
Public IP Address
See Routable IP Address.